Week 9: Analyzing Data

I plan to analyze my data by first compiling the data into a computer excel sheet. This will then allow me to create charts and graphs that will best represent my data visually. I feel that I can best analyze my data in this form. It gives me a nice visual allowing for comparison and analyzing. It will also be the best way to represent the data that I will be collecting.

I found this website that brought up these fine points:

  • What pattern do you see?
  • What does this graph tell you?
  • Who could use this data? How could they use it?
  • Why is this data shown in a line graph? (Teacher Vision, 2013)

These are important questions to contemplate when analyzing your data. We need to be constantly narrowing our thinking to be specific on what information we are trying to get from the research. Being able to focus on a few points and really looking closely at them we will be better suited to explain the research data we have collected.

Teacher Vision. (2013, Oct). Analyzing Data. Retrieved from


10 thoughts on “Week 9: Analyzing Data

  1. Will you only be using a line graph? I like point 3 of the 4 points you shared. Who could use this data? How could they use it? Those questions take it to the next step, beyond just looking at data.


  2. Statistics are so interesting. I always try to keep in mind ‘both sides of the story.’ We want to look at what the data is telling us, but I always try to keep in mind what it might tell someone else. In this case, during classroom research, results involve us or our teaching style so how the results look to someone else might be moot; but at the same time, it’s interesting to consider different perspectives. Especially when we then consider, as you note, how other may use the information. Looks like you’re off to a great start!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Graphs and charts definitely help show trends in the data. I intend to do the same thing with my data. You brought up some excellent points in your blog. It’s important to recognize the trends but it’s also important to know how to use the information. I agree with Alison about your 3rd point. Who else could use the data and how could they use it? My focus has been more about how I can use the data, not how others will use it. I like that you are looking at this beyond your own personal use. It adds an excellent perspective.


    • I’m glad to hear others are doing the same things I am doing. I know that I can’t use the technology piece in the position I am in currently, so I would rather have someone benefit from all my work.


  4. I really liked your point about focusing on a few aspects of the data. I think it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the many things that the data could indicate and important to remember to really get into the nitty gritty of interpreting just a few of the most important aspects.


  5. Hey, Sunshine…
    I appreciate the resource you shared. I find that when a concept is “big” (like data analysis), it can be helpful to locate resources that break it down for students. The Teacher Vision resource you shared does a great job of making data analysis seems very manageable!


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